SIte Owner: Federico Perotti
Telephone Number: +39 324 801 8585
VAT Number: 04264800236
The Legislative Decree 196/2003 and the REG. EU 2016/679 establish the rules to protect and safeguard individuals regarding the processing of their personal data and this information is prepared in accordance with the new legislative provision. The entire legal basis for the processing of personal data is based on the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union and in particular on art. 16 of the same text. The information may be subject to changes following the introduction of new rules, so we invite you to periodically visit this section for updating. The following information you are reading refers exclusively to the website
General Informations
On this website, there are NO forms capable of collecting user data for processing purposes. Data will NOT be collected through navigation and will NOT be disseminated or transferred to non-EU countries. However, for the purposes of the normal operation of the website it is possible that the computer system acquires some information whose transmission is implicit in the internet communication protocols.
Data processing
This website does not provide for the existence of an automated decision-making process for commercial profiling purposes (targeted marketing technique that includes the set of activities for the collection and processing of user data in order to understand their choices and their behavior at purpose of dividing interests into "profiles", or into homogeneous groups for increasingly specific behaviors or characteristics).
Any information, request or exercise of the aforementioned rights, send an email to: